
Archive for June, 2010

No Laughing Matter

June 25, 2010 Leave a comment

Over the last few weeks a few videos have hit YouTube detailing the insanity of the Middle East conflict. They define themselves thusly:

If you’re looking for sober, reflective, thoughts on the Middle East, Israel and the Palestinians, then were afraid youre in the wrong place.

How these issues are discussed, in particular how Israel is demonised, has become just too absurd. So here is our response.

More videos after the cut

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Categories: Hamas, Israel

Hamas: Your Friendly, Homicidal, Genocidal Terror Group

June 20, 2010 Leave a comment

The ideal mother for Hamas and the next generation of Hamas terrorists. How can we have peace with this group in control of the Gaza Strip?

In my many arguments with some of the more extreme members of the left-wing, pro-Palestinian factions of our society (and there are many) there seems to be a single constant….talk to Hamas. Talk to Hamas which will then lead to land swaps and then eventually peace. I’m not actually surprised that they consider this an option. They, and I, believe that there’s no harm in talking and talking can eventually lead to peace agreements and eventually everyone will be happy. An ideal scenario but also a naive one. Read more…

Categories: Hamas, Israel

The Gaza Sanctions and International Opinion

June 12, 2010 Leave a comment

The Gaza sanctions have evoked protest throughout the world

In the wake of the MV Mavi Marmara incident in which 9 Turkish Jihadists were killed by Israeli servicemen there remains two cries against Israel:

1) Israel committed an act of piracy (untrue and international law is on Israel’s side)


2) The sanctions on Gaza must be lifted (true)

Allow me to address these two points separately.
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Categories: Hamas, Israel

WH Reporter: Jews go back to Poland and Germany

June 6, 2010 Leave a comment

White House reporter Helen Thomas

Veteran White House reporter Helen Thomas was interviewed leaving the White House Jewish Heritage Event and she had a bit of advise for all Jews living in Israel

Now here’s the thing. Thomas, whilst born in America, was born to Lebanese immigrants. Does she think that her parents should have left America? Does she believe that all blacks should go back to Africa? Does her anti-immigration status extend to the Mexicans coming into America? Does it only apply to Jews living in Israel; a land in which they have had a continual presence for thousands of years?

I consider myself a pretty well put together guy and I don’t like being crude.

But Helen….fuck you!

UPDATE 8-6-2010: Turns out that Helen Thomas has ‘decided to retire‘. Bye Helen…don’t let the door hit your ass on the way out!

Categories: Uncategorized

The Flotilla Incident

June 2, 2010 2 comments

An attempt to murder Israeli's on this ship lead to a bloody confrontation

Over the last 48 hours the world is reeling at the recent skirmish between Israeli commandos and ‘peace activists aboard the MV Mavi Marmara. With 9 activists dead and scores wounded on both sides it is obvious that something tragically went wrong. Whilst fault does lie with the Israeli Navy in giving its troops shoddy intelligence and a desire to ensure that no one onboard the boat was harmed all fatalities and injuries lies with the ‘so called peace activists’. Read more…

Categories: Israel